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build:fallbacks_contrib [2024/09/02 16:27] Maryam Azizibuild:fallbacks_contrib [2024/10/10 09:53] (current) – external edit
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-<WRAP important>**IMPORTANT WARNING**\\ **<color #ed1c24>This Page is obsolete.</color>** Please refer to!</WRAP>+<WRAP important>**IMPORTANT WARNING**\\ **<color #ed1c24>This Page is obsolete.</color>** Please refer to !</WRAP>
 ====== Hacking the fallbacks ====== ====== Hacking the fallbacks ======
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 //In any case, if you feel the need for a more sophisticated patching mechanism, then it just means that you forgot that what you actually want is to collaborate with the upstream developers of the package to fix its bugs and improve its design.// //In any case, if you feel the need for a more sophisticated patching mechanism, then it just means that you forgot that what you actually want is to collaborate with the upstream developers of the package to fix its bugs and improve its design.//
build/fallbacks_contrib.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/10 09:53 by