==== Explore Abinit and around ==== * [[howto:getting_started|Getting started]] * [[theory:summary|Underlying theory]] * [[developers:presenting_abinit|Presenting Abinit]] * [[howto:troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] * [[howto:tuning_abinit|Tuning Abinit]] * [[developers:pseudos|Pseudopotentials]] * [[compat:programs|Compatible programs]] * [[around:resources|Other resources]] ==== Build Abinit ==== * [[build:minreq|Minimum requirements]] * ** Dependencies ** * [[build:reqpkgs|Required packages]] * [[build:optpkgs|Optional packages]] * [[build:fallbacks|Fallbacks]] /* [[tips:howto_macosx|Abinit on MacOSX]] */ * [[build:paralreq|Requirements for paralellism]] * [[https://docs.abinit.org/INSTALL_MacOS/|Abinit on MacOS]] * [[build:configure|Configure Abinit]] * [[build:compile|Compile Abinit]] * [[build:install|Install Abinit]] * ** HPC ** * [[hpc:linking_libraries|HPC : How to link libraries]] ==== Developer's corner ==== * ** [[developers:planning|Planning]] ** * ** Git ** * [[developers:git:access_config|Access configuration]] * [[developers:git:specificities_git_abinit|git(Lab) ABINIT specificities]] * ** ABINIT Coding ** * [[developers:coding_rules|Coding rules]] * [[developers:fortran_2003|Fortran 2003]] /* [[developers:add_new_variable|How to add a new variable]] * [[developers:addnewtest|How to add a new test]] */ * [[https://docs.abinit.org/developers/developers_howto/#how-to-add-a-new-input-variable|How to add a new variable]] * [[https://docs.abinit.org/developers/developers_howto/#how-to-add-a-new-test-in-the-test-suite|How to add a new test]] * [[developers:programmer_guide|Programmer's guide (old)]] * ** [[bb:overview|Testing, buildbot & testfarm]] ** * [[bb:misc|Use of buildbot for ABINIT]] * [[developers:coverage|Code Coverage]] * [[bb:slaves|Slave matrix]] * [[bb:builder|Builder matrix]] * [[developers:buildsys:internals|Build-system informations]] * [[build:fallbacks_contrib|Fallbacks]] * [[developers:forum_moderators|Forum Moderators]] * ** Doc for new developers ** * [[developers:overview|Overview]] * [[developers:hike|10 steps]] * [[developers:advdoc|Miscellaneous dev's doc]] * ** Organizing events ** * [[beauty:sessions|Beautifications]] * [[beauty:2018|2018Beautification]] * [[beauty:2020|2020Beautification]] * [[beauty:variables|Improve naming and defaults]] * [[event:20200623|ABINIT developer skype meeting 23 June 2020]] ---- ==== Miscellaneous ==== === Wiki help === * [[wiki:syntax|Wiki syntax]] * [[wiki:conventions|Conventions and formatting]] ---- === Archives === * ** Outdated, to be cleaned ** * [[wiki:team|Wiki Team]] * [[wiki:structure|Wiki structure]] * [[wiki:ebook|Manage book]]