====== Conventions and formatting ====== ===== General conventions ===== In this wiki, we use //italic fonts// to represent software components, options, and files, e.g. the //configure// script, the //with_mpi// option, or the //src/21_hashfuncs%%/%%// directory. Commands entered by the user are usually wrapped in frames and use a fixed-space font, as follows: ../configure --enable-openmp --with-mpi="/usr/local" The //~abinit// keyword represents the top source directory of Abinit wherever it appears. To be found more easily, tips, tricks, advice, and notes, are written in yellow boxes with a light bulb on their left-hand side. **IMPORTANT** \\ Essential information that you should read with good care is displayed in orange boxes with a warning sign on the left-hand side. ===== Interactive shell commands ===== Many examples described on this wiki assume that the user is using a [[wp>Terminal_emulator|terminal]] to interact with Abinit. A terminal is a text window running a [[wp>Shell_(computing)|shell]], which is a program executing commands entered by the user. Please click on the links within this section, look at your operating system documentation, and/or look on internet for "Opening a terminal" if you are not familiar with terminals and shells. When describing interactive shell commands, we use the [[wp>Bourne_shell|Bourne Shell]] conventions, since this is the most portable shell available and it is the one used by various components of Abinit. All commands entered by the user start with a dollar sign and a space character -- which should not be typed when you reproduce the examples on your own computer -- and their output is reproduced verbatim just below. In the following example: $ cat abinit.in ecut 12.0 znucl 1 acell 1.0 1.0 1.0 xred 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... the user types ''%%'%%cat abinit.in%%'%%'' followed by the enter key, which displays the contents of the //abinit.in// file on the console.