We want to switch from the HTML files that contain the documentation about the ABINIT input variables, to a big YAML file (abinit_vars.yml), that has already been to a large extent generated automagically by python scripts, and that simply needs to be corrected. From that YAML file, new HTML files can be generated automatically, and one should check that such new HTML files correspond to what we want.
A first group of developers will correct the abinit_vars.yml file (on Wednesday 1 October), while another group of developers will check that the new HTML files correspond to what we want.
The documentation about ABINIT input variables, as seen on the Web page http://www.abinit.org/documentation/helpfiles/for-v7.8/input_variables/keyhr.html is presently maintained as a set of .html files, see in the package, the directory doc/input_variables (one index file, called keyhr.html, and thirteen var*.html files). These .html files have already some structure, but they are not convenient to work with, and nothing can be done at present to automatically extract data from these (e.g. examining the default values, or the types, in view of automatic checking the coherence of the ABINIT sources with the ABINIT documentation).
YAML is as structured as HTML, and moreover is more human-readable than HTML. In the long run, ABINIT should rely on YAML instead of HTML for text files that should be both parsable and human-readable. This idea was discussed in Dinard, and then at several occasions, in different groups of developers.
This beautification is the occasion to switch from HTML to YAML, and, by the same token, clean the documentation about input variables.
In order to convert the documentation about input variables from HTML to YAML, Yannick has written a series of python scripts, contained in doc/input_variables/YML_vars. You can read the README.txt to see the action of each script. You can even try to run them by yourself (btw you might need pyyaml http://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAML, or login on the testf machine of the test farm to run them)… You see that at the second step there is a problem … Indeed, some fields of the YAML file need specific types of data … which is not in the correct format in the present HTML files !
(1) The “vartype” field should have specified the type of the variable following the form :
[integer|real|complex] input_variable (dimensions)
where (dimensions) is optional. On the contrary, very often, additional data has been mentioned, or double precision has mentioned (instead of “real”), or … many others variants exist that prevented automatic generation of the correct mention in the abinit_vars.yml file.
(2) The “default” fields should have contained typically a numerical value, perhaps preceeded by “*” (as a indefinite multiplier) or a number times “*” (as a definite multiplier). When there is no default value, the string “null” should have been used. Conditionals can be taken into account in the abinit_vars.yml file, but have to be introduced manually (see later).
Again, very often, something more verbose has been mentioned. As an example :
all 0.0's
cannot be treated by the python script, while
would have been treated easily.
Over the 667 input variables, the abi_dict2struct.py python script has identified 223 errors. The list of errors is contained in the file doc/input_variables/YML_vars/err.txt .
Yannick has then gone further, by generating an “incomplete” file abinit_vars.yml , from ABINIT_structvariables.yml. This has been done in 2 steps:
Although being still incomplete, this file is however now suitable for several purposes :
So, our tasks will be :
The task 1 “Correct” will be done in Louvain-la-neuve, at a coding party starting 5pm on Wednesday 1 octobre, with several developers. See section Correct for the share of work.
The task 2 “Check” will be done by other developer, at the earliest when the task 1 is finished. The developers will first to merge the trunk in their branch. See section Check for the share of work.
In the “err.txt” file, there are different types of errors, depending on the field on which the parser failed:
In general, this means that you have to read the old value and try to make it “YML”-compliant in the YML file. In the YML file (abinit_vars.yml), you'll find the different fields “errordimensions”, “errordefault” and “errortype” containing the text that was under parsing when the error occured. Starting from this, you should try to put in “dimensions”, “defaultval” and “vartype” the corresponding value.
The errors are also printed in red in the generated HTML files.
If the parser fails, it may simply be due to “english”-human way of writing information that has not been understand. This is quite simple to tackle.
Sometimes, however, this might be more difficult:
As values in the YML file, you can specify numbers, string, arrays, following the standard specification of YAML.
Pay attention to strings. If it is recognized as string directly, you don't need ticks (' '). Otherwise, you need to put ticks.
For example, if you want to use a link as a value, use [[varname]]. If you forget varname, it will be interpreted as a list, containing a list, containing the string varname and not a link !
However, in order to keep the informations in the documentation, we have also introduced other types.
Is the type that contains the other fields
This is the equivalent to the X*Y syntax in fortran.
will become
!multiplevalue number : X value : Y
If X is null, it means that you want to do *Y (all Y)
!range start: 1 stop: N
As a default value, it means that the default value is 1,2, … N
This type allows to specify conditions on values:
!valuewithconditions defaultval: -[[diemix]] '70 < [[iprcel]] and [[iprcel]] < 80': '[[diemix]]' '[[iscf]]<10': '[[diemix]]' '[[iprcel]]==0': '[[diemix]]'
defaultval is the default value if no condition is fulfilled. As condition, please use strings with the most basic expressions, containing <, < =, >, >=, ==, !=, +, -, *, /, etc to allow for further simple parsing !
As a convention, we use “pythonic” way for expressions, so you can use “or”, “and” and “in” also as varname in [1,2,5] for example. If you need more advanced expressions, please contact Yannick !
This type allows to specify values with units:
!valuewithunit units: eV value: 100.0
means “100 eV”.
In the YML file (and via the GUI), there are some constraints between variables that have been introduced.
You can specifiy “requires: CONDITION” and “excludes: CONDITION” in the YML file (or fill the fields requires and excludes in the GUI).
If a varname as “requires: CONDITION”, it means that the variable is only relevant when CONDITION is fulfilled.
If a varname has as “excludes: CONDITION”, it means that the specification of the variable in the input file forbids the CONDITION to be fulfilled.
Some of the constraints have been defined during the coding party of the 01/10/2014 (Correct), please check them carefully and verify that no information has been lost !
Each of the following developers treats a set of errors in the err.txt file (on Wednesday October 1st, 5pm). This set of errors is simply defined by the initial of the input variable in this err.txt file . To treat an error, the easiest is to use the GUI found in the doc/input_variables/YML_vars directory :
java -jar Abivars.jar
Developer in charge | Range of initials of input variables |
Jean-Michel Beuken | [A-E] |
Michiel Van Setten | [F-I] |
Xavier Gonze | [J-M] |
Aurélien Lherbier | [N] |
Samuel Poncé | [O-Q] |
Gian-Marco Rignanese | [R-T] |
Yannick Gillet | [U-V] |
Xavier Gonze | [W-Z] |
Each developer treats one HTML documentation file, or more than one file, or a fraction of one file. The task consists in comparing visually (thanks to a browser !) the (old) HTML files in doc/input_variables and the new ones in doc/input_variables/YML_vars/html_output . If a discrepancy is observed, it has to be corrected in the file abinit_vars.yml thanks to the GUI (java -jar Abivars.jar issued in doc/input_variables/YML_vars ). This task will start ONLY when the previous task is completed … This is expected on Thursday 2 October morning. Merge of the newest trunk revision in you branch will be needed.
Of course, do not hesitate to correct spelling mistakes, or style, or any other problem in the documentation provided for the input variables.
In case of problem with the GUI, do not hesitate to contact Yannick or Xavier.
Developer in charge | HTML files (with possibly, the range of initials for input variables) |
Bernard Amadon | vardev.html (H-Q) |
Gabriel Antonius | vargs.html (A-N) |
Jordan Bieder | vardev.html (A-G) |
Fabien Bruneval | vargw.html (A-M) |
Michel Côté | vargs.html (O-Z) |
Muriel Delaveau | varpar.html |
Grégory Geneste | varrlx.html (A-J) |
Xavier Gonze | vargeo.html & varw90.html |
Vincent Gosselin | varbas.html |
François Jollet | varpaw.html (Pawprtden-Z) |
Jonathan Laflamme Janssen | vargw.html (N-Z) |
Alexandre Martin | varrlx.html (K-Z) |
Micael Oliveira | varfil.html |
Yann Pouillon | vardev.html (R-Z) |
Marc Torrent | varpaw.html (A-Pawovlp) |
Matthieu Verstraete | varint.html |
Bin Xu | varrf.html |
Joe Zwanziger | varff.html |
* Default values:
* Dimensions:
* Constraints: see above
* Description:
* Mnemonics: check that they correspond to the name of the variable
* Type : should be integer, real or string. There were some issues in the old HTML's !!!
We have introduced a set of special variables that are needed to give conditions on the default value and on dimensions. You can use them as link to variables, for example [[NPROC]] for the number of processor.
Here is the current list of such special variables:
Links are also automatically generated towards a new HTML file ABINIT_specials.html.
If you encounter any problem, please contact Yannick in case of problem (yannick.gillet@uclouvain.be)
If you need to describe something and you're not able to do it using the current specifications, please contact Yannick !
Also, you can send remarks concerning the GUI, the YML file and/or the HTML files.
By the way, the HTML files inside $YML_VARS/html_output/ are used for the beautification. The effort has been done concerning the content and not really the design, that's why they don't look that nice yet !