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Planning of merges

ABINITv9.5 planning

For new developments

March 15, 2021 :
Merge ABINITv9.5.0 contributions. Start ABINITv9.5.1, for new developments

[DONE] February 15, 2021 :
Init v9.5.0, for further developments, at commit a68a9e13, branched from frozen ABINITv9.3.4.

ABINITv9.4 planning

For release/hotfixes/production

Tentatively April 22, 2021 :
Merge ABINITv9.4.2 hotfixes. Frozen version 9.4.2 will be delivered for production. Possibly start ABINITv9.4.3, for hotfixes, although v9.4.2 might be the last of v9.4 series.

[DONE] March 22, 2021 :
Merge ABINITv9.4.1 contributions. Final commit 35adcc24. Release for production. Start ABINITv9.4.2, for hotfixes, commit 8d8531b5.

[DONE] February 25, 2021 :
Merge ABINITv9.4.0 contributions. Final commit 48ba35fc. Release for production. Start ABINITv9.4.1, for hotfixes, commit 609f205d.

[DONE] February 15, 2021 :
Init v9.4.0, at commit 6d288cf1, branched from frozen ABINITv9.3.4, with full documentation, to be examined by the developers. Modifications must include commit 6d288cf1 and not a68a9e13.

ABINITv9.3 planning

For new developments

[DONE] February 15, 2021 :
Merge ABINITv9.3.4 contributions, commit 322ba0, Start ABINITv9.4.0 (6d288cf1 - for release) and ABINITv9.5.0 (a68a9e13 - for development).

[DONE] January 6, 2021 :
Merge ABINITv9.3.3 contributions, commit aa5b5584. Start ABINITv9.3.4, for developments and further beautification, commit c53d84c3.

[DONE] December 11, 2020 :
Merge ABINITv9.3.2 contributions, commit d26e00b3d. Start ABINITv9.3.3, for beautification and further developments, commit 8d0324a26.

[DONE] November 12, 2020 :
Merge ABINITv9.3.1 and 9.2.2 contributions, commit 7a0cc21e. Start ABINITv9.3.2, for further developments, commit 96c9f57e.

[DONE] October 1, 2020 :
Merge ABINITv9.3.0 and 9.2.1 contributions, commit ff09d747. Start ABINITv9.3.1, for further developments, commit a116c3fa.

[DONE] September 1, 2020 :
Init v9.3.0 for further developments, Branched from frozen ABINITv9.1.6. Init at commit a116c3fa. Modifications must include commit a116c3fa.

ABINITv9.2 planning

For release/hotfixes/production

[DONE] November 10, 2020 :
Merge ABINITv9.2.2 contributions. Final commit 9b5158b27. Release for production. Likely no ABINITv9.2.3 for bug fixes will be launched, because of the change of reference machines. Only if critical bug fixes are found will a v9.2.3 be delivered.

[DONE] October 1, 2020 :
Merge ABINITv9.2.1 contributions. Final commit 9ec2ffe5. The frozen version 9.2.1 will be delivered for production. Start ABINITv9.2.2, for bug fixes, initial commit 55625f83.

[DONE] September 22, 2020 :
Merge ABINITv9.2.0 contributions. Final commit 9ec2ffe5. Start ABINITv9.2.1, for release, initial commit e1f9f17b. Release notes should be corrected by developers. The frozen version 9.2.1 will be delivered for production.

[DONE] September 1, 2020 :
Init v9.2.0, Branched from frozen ABINITv9.1.6. Init at commit fbe22c0b. Modifications must include commit fbe22c0b. Release notes of v9.2 are collected, Frozen version 9.2.0 will be a release candidate, with full documentation, to be examined by the developers.

ABINITv9.1 planning

For new developments

[DONE] September 1, 2020 :
Merge ABINITv9.1.6. Launch v9.2.0 (for release) and v9.3.0 (for development).

[DONE] July 26, 2020 :
Merge ABINITv9.1.5 contribs. Start ABINITv9.1.6, for new developments. New developments must include commit d5cb8f.

[DONE] June 24, 2020 :
Merge ABINITv9.1.4 contribs. Start ABINITv9.1.5, for new developments. New developments must include commit ff1405.

[DONE] May 20, 2020 :
Merge ABINITv9.1.3 contribs. Start ABINITv9.1.4, for new developments. New developments must include commit 01f9fa2c.

[DONE] April 22, 2020 :
Merge ABINITv9.1.2 contribs. Start ABINITv9.1.3, for new developments. New developments must include commit f9bacec7d.

[DONE] March 29, 2020 :
Merge ABINITv9.1.1 and ABINITv9.0.2 contribs. Start ABINITv9.1.2, for new developments.

[DONE] March 9, 2020 :
Important hotfixes for the test farm. Start ABINITv9.1.1, for new developments

[DONE] February 28, 2020 :
v9.1.0, for new developments, branched from frozen ABINITv9.0.0. Init at commit d51ce822. New developments must include commit d51ce822.

ABINITv9.0 planning

For beta-testing of v9

[DONE] May 18, 2020 :
Merge ABINITv9.0.4 contribs. Release publicly as beta version. ABINITv9.0.4 is the last one of the v9.0 series. Last commit ec28314c.

[DONE] April 21, 2020 :
Merge ABINITv9.0.3 contribs. Release publicly as beta version. Start ABINITv9.0.4 for debugging. New contributions (bug fixes) must include commit 7fabe8e0f and NOT commit 046d5b6a (9.1.2).

[DONE] March 29, 2020 :
Merge ABINITv9.0.2 contribs. Also 9.1.1 contribs were back-merged. Release publicly as beta version. Start ABINITv9.0.3 for debugging.

[DONE] March 9, 2020 :
Important hotfixes for the test farm. Start ABINITv9.0.2.

[DONE] February 28, 2020 :
Merge ABINITv9.0.0 contribs. Release notes of v9.0 are collected. Start ABINITv9.0.1.

[DONE] January 23-25, 2020 :
Merge ABINITv8.11.14 contribs. Freeze at commit 39784658. Start ABINITv9.0.0. New build system: script to convert automatically from the old .ac to the New developments must include d4f337a0.

ABINITv8.11 planning

For new developments

This version will be the last in the v8 series, but will not be delivered publicly. Its sole purpose is to prepare v9. We will switch to v9 afterwards (v9.0 for initial beta testing, v9.1 for development, then later v9.2 for production). v9 will have new build system without abilint, will need F2003-enabled compiler, will have netcdf4/HDF5 as requirement, will allow the input file to contain all the “files” file information, and other changes that may break backward compatibility (e.g. remove support for old versions of libraries) … In this context, modifications that breaks backwards compatibility are already accepted in v8.11.x . The v9.0 is expected early 2020.

[DONE] December 30, 2019 :
Merge ABINITv8.11.13 contribs. Start ABINITv8.11.14.

[DONE] November 26, 2019 :
Merge ABINITv8.11.12 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop/65bd6aea. The main reference bots have been upgraded : from abiref_gnu_5.3_openmpi to abiref_gnu_9.2_openmp and from abiref_gnu_5.3_serial to abiref_gnu_9.2_serial. Start ABINITv8.11.13. New developments must include trunk/develop/d2fbe96b.

[DONE] October 15, 2019 :
Merge ABINITv8.11.11 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop/ae10025f6. Start ABINITv8.11.12. New developments must include trunk/develop/eb331c27b.

[DONE] September 11, 2019 :
Merge ABINITv8.11.10 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop/9e47cf5b. Start ABINITv8.11.11. New developments must include trunk/develop/bb0527a1.

[DONE] August 6, 2019 :
Merge ABINITv8.11.9 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop/ebdb5c455. Start ABINITv8.11.10. New developments must include trunk/develop/95ab7a831.

[DONE] July 6, 2019 :
Merge ABINITv8.11.8 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop/996f0f682. Start ABINITv8.11.9. New developments must include trunk/develop/4848a9787.

[DONE] June 3, 2019 :
Merge ABINITv8.11.7 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop/9056f1b57. Start ABINITv8.11.8. New developments must include trunk/develop/6759ac439.

[DONE] April 28, 2019 :
Merge ABINITv8.11.6 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop/d2fe3ceff. Start ABINITv8.11.7. New developments must include trunk/develop/ba2003dc.

[DONE] March 20, 2019 :
Merge ABINITv8.11.5 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop/e1da83000. Start ABINITv8.11.6. New developments must include trunk/develop/c9a54d3dd.

[DONE] February 14, 2019 :
Merge ABINITv8.11.4 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop/e06ec1cf3. Start ABINITv8.11.5. New developments must include trunk/develop/2172318ab.

[DONE] January 25, 2019 :
Merge ABINITv8.11.3 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop/fcaa9c60d. Start ABINITv8.11.4. New developments must include trunk/develop/aabbd51aa.

[DONE] December 20, 2018 :
Merge ABINITv8.11.2 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop/112da97c. Start ABINITv8.11.3. New developments must include trunk/develop/c3f2e7f7.

[DONE] November 16, 2018 :
Merge ABINITv8.11.1 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop/22e4913e. Start ABINITv8.11.2. New developments must include trunk/develop/9b92e62f.

[DONE] October 16, 2018 :
Merge ABINITv8.11.0 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop tagged “8.11.0”. Start ABINITv8.11.1. New developments must include tag “start-8.11.1”.

[DONE] September 12, 2018 :
Initialize trunk/develop for v8.11.0 developement, with tag “start-8.11.0”.

ABINITv8.10 planning

For release/hotfixes/production

[DONE] June 24, 2019 :
trunk/release-8.10 tagged “8.10.3”. Frozen version 8.10.3 is a production version, with full documentation, delivered on the Web. With respect to v8.10.2, only critical bug fixes, and improved documentation. Final release of v8.10. </color>

[DONE] January 17, 2019 :
trunk/release-8.10 tagged “8.10.2”. Frozen version 8.10.2 is a production version, with full documentation, delivered on the Web. Initially planned to be the final release of v8.10. However, due to a numerical bug in a ZPR correction, v8.10 was reopened.

[DONE] October 15, 2018 :
trunk/release-8.10 tagged “8.10.1”. Frozen version 8.10.1 is a production version, with full documentation, delivered on the Web. Tag trunk/release-8.10 as “start-8.10.2” for later modifs.

[DONE] September 28, 2018 :
trunk/release-8.10 tagged “8.10.0”. Frozen version 8.10.0 is a release candidate, possibly with full documentation, to be examined by the developers. Tag trunk/release-8.10 as “start-8.10.1” for later modifs.

[DONE] September 12, 2018 :
Create trunk/release-8.10 branch, tagged “start-8.10.0”.

ABINITv8.9 planning

For new developments

[DONE] Sept 12, 2018 :
Merge ABINITv8.9.4 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop tagged “8.9.4”. A branch “release-8.10” is then prepared for release, with tag “release-8.10.0”. Further developments (in trunk/develop) should include the new tag “start-8.11.0”.

[DONE] July 27, 2018 :
Merge ABINITv8.9.3 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop tagged “8.9.3”. Start ABINITv8.9.4. New developments must include tag “start-8.9.4”.

[DONE] June 23, 2018 :
Merge ABINITv8.9.2 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop tagged “8.9.2”. Start ABINITv8.9.3. New developments must include tag “start-8.9.3”.

[DONE] May 20, 2018 :
Merge ABINITv8.9.1 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop tagged “8.9.1”. Start ABINITv8.9.2. New developments must include tag “start-8.9.2”.

[DONE] May 4, 2018 :
Merge ABINITv8.9.0 contribs. Freeze trunk/develop tagged “8.9.0”. Start ABINITv8.9.1. New developments must include tag “start-8.9.1”.

[DONE] April 2, 2018 :
Initialize trunk/develop for v8.9.0 developement, with tag “start-8.9.0”.

ABINITv8.8 planning

For release/production

[DONE] July 27, 2018 :
trunk/release-8.8 tagged “8.8.4”. Frozen version 8.8.4 is a production version, with full documentation. Final release of v8.8.

[DONE] June 19, 2018 :
trunk/release-8.8 tagged “8.8.3”. Frozen version 8.8.3 is a production version, with full documentation.

[DONE] May 19, 2018 :
trunk/release-8.8 tagged “8.8.2”. Frozen version 8.8.2 is a production version, with full documentation.

[DONE] May 1, 2018 :
trunk/release-8.8 tagged “8.8.1”. Frozen version 8.8.1 is a production version, with full documentation.

[DONE] April 21, 2018 :
Freeze trunk/release-8.8.0 tagged “8.8.0”. trunk/release-8.8 started, tagged “start-8.8.1”. Frozen version 8.8.0 is a release candidate, possibly with full documentation, to be examined by the developers.

[DONE] April 2, 2018 :
Create trunk/release-8.8.0 branch, tagged “start-8.8.0”.

ABINITv8.7 planning

For new developments

[DONE] April 2, 2018 (or earlier, if possible) :
Freeze trunk/develop tagged “8.7.7” as soon as the doc html files are under full control of abirules. End of v8.7. A branch “release-8.8.0” is then prepared for release, with tag “release-8.8.0”. Further developments (in trunk/develop) should include the tag “start-8.9.0”.

[DONE] March 20, 2018 :
Freeze trunk/develop tagged “8.7.6”, for use at electron-phonon school in Trieste. New developments in v8.7.7 must include tag “start-8.7.6”.

[DONE] March 6, 2018 :
Freeze trunk/develop tagged “8.7.5” switched from YAML based documentation to mkdocs. New developments in v8.7.6 must include tag “start-8.7.6”.

[DONE] February 25, 2018 :
Freeze trunk/develop tagged “8.7.4”. Start ABINITv8.7.5, to switch from YAML based documentation to mkdocs, which will take a few days. New developments in v8.7.5 cannot modify the documentation, but must include tag “start-8.7.5”.

[DONE] January 29, 2018 :
Freeze trunk/develop tagged “8.7.3”. Start ABINITv8.7.4. New developments must include tag “start-8.7.4”.

[DONE] December 21, 2017 :
Freeze trunk/develop tagged “8.7.2”. Start ABINITv8.7.3. New developments must include tag “start-8.7.3”

[DONE] November 19, 2017 :
Freeze trunk/develop tagged “8.7.1”. Start ABINITv8.7.2. New developments must include tag “start-8.7.2”

[DONE] October 19, 2017 :
Merge ABINITv8.7.0. Freeze trunk/develop tagged “8.7.0”. Start ABINITv8.7.1. New developments must include tag “start-8.7.1”.

[DONE] September 23, 2017 :
Initialize trunk/develop for v8.7.0 developement, with tag “start-8.7.0”.

ABINITv8.6 planning

For release/production

[DONE] Due the release of 8.8.1 in March, ABINITv8.6.4 will not be delivered …
Freeze trunk/hotfix-8.6 and tag it “8.6.4”. Frozen version 8.6.4 is a production version, available on the Web, likely the last of the v8.6 series.

[DONE] December 19, 2017 :
Freeze trunk/release-8.6.3 tagged “end-8.6.3”. trunk/hotfix-8.6 tagged “start-8.6.4”. Frozen version 8.6.3 is a production version, available on the Web, with full documentation.

[DONE] November 19, 2017 :
Freeze trunk/release-8.6.2 tagged “8.6.2”. trunk/hotfix-8.6 tagged “start-8.6.3”. Frozen version 8.6.2 will not be delivered on the web, internal purpose only.

[DONE] November 4, 2017 :
Freeze trunk/release-8.6.1 tagged “8.6.1”. trunk/hotfix-8.6 started, tagged “start-8.6.2”. Frozen version 8.6.1 is a production version, available on the Web, with full documentation.

[DONE] October 18, 2017 :
Freeze trunk/release-8.6.0 tagged “8.6.0”. trunk/release-8.6.1 started, tagged “start-8.6.1”. Frozen version 8.6.0 is a release candidate, possibly with full documentation, to be examined by the developers.

[DONE] September 23, 2017 :
Create trunk/release-8.6.0 branch, tagged “start-8.6.0”.

ABINITv8.5 planning

For new developments

[DONE] September 23, 2017 :
trunk/develop tagged “8.5.3”. End of v8.5. A branch “release-8.6.0” is then prepared for release, with tag “release-8.6.0”. Further developments (in trunk/develop) should include the tag “start-8.7.0”.

[DONE] August 14, 2017 :
trunk/develop tagged “8.5.2”. ABINITv8.5.3 started. New developments must include tag “start-8.5.3”.

[DONE] June 30, 2017 :
trunk/develop tagged “8.5.1”. ABINITv8.5.2 started. New developments must include tag “start-8.5.2”.

[DONE] June 5, 2017 :
trunk/develop tagged “8.5.0”. ABINITv8.5.1 started. New developments must include tag “start-8.5.1”.

[DONE] May 8, 2017 :
The trunk/develop initialized for v8.5.0 developement, with tag “start-8.5.0”.

ABINITv8.4 planning

For release/production

[DONE] September 20, 2017 :
trunk/hotfix-8.4 tagged “8.4.4”. Frozen version 8.4.4 delivered on the Web is a production version, with full documentation, placed on the Web.

[DONE] August 12, 2017 :
trunk/hotfix-8.4 tagged “8.4.3”. Frozen version 8.4.3 delivered on the Web, production version. trunk/hotfix-8.4 tagged “start-8.4.4”.

[DONE] June 9, 2017 :
trunk/hotfix-8.4 tagged “8.4.2”. Frozen version 8.4.2 delivered on the Web, production version. trunk/hotfix-8.4 tagged “start-8.4.3”.

[DONE] June 2, 2017 :
trunk/release-8.4.1 tagged “8.4.1”. Frozen version 8.4.1 delivered on the Web, production version with full documentation. trunk/hotfix-8.4 started, to accomodate bug fixes, tagged “start-8.4.2”.

[DONE] May 26, 2017 :
trunk/release-8.4.0 tagged “8.4.0”. trunk/release-8.4.1 started, tagged “start-8.4.1”. Frozen version 8.4.0 is a release candidate, possibly with full documentation, delivered on the Web.

[DONE] May 8, 2017 :
trunk/release-8.4.0 branch created, tagged “start-8.4.0”.

developers/planning.1616434932.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/22 18:42 by Xavier Gonze