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developers:pseudos:psp3_format [2015/02/25 14:26] – created Matteo Giantomassidevelopers:pseudos:psp3_format [2015/02/26 08:55] Matteo Giantomassi
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 +Information on the format 3 for pseudopotentials.
 +(Note: the implementation of format 3 was done by Fr. Detraux).
 +The format 3 for ABINIT pseudopotentials allows to use pseudopotentials
 +from the table I in the Phys. Rev. B 58, 3641 (1998) paper
 +by C. Hartwigsen, S. Goedecker and J. Hutter (HGH). This paper
 +presents LDA pseudopotentials for all elements from H to Rn. Some of them
 +are even presented twice, because of the possibility to include semi-core
 +states. Their accuracy has been demonstrated in the HGH paper, but note
 +that the energy cut-off needed to get this high accuracy might be
 +larger than the one usually needed for Troullier-Martins or other
 +pseudopotentials. So, convergence studies are very important !
 +A few lines must be added to the data mentioned in that table,
 +and are described in the present file. ABINITv1.5 is able to
 +read format 3 pseudopotential files, as well as later versions of ABINIT.
 +We will suppose that the user has the HGH table.
 +For the description that follows, we will focus on the Sn pseudopotential.
 +In the table (p. 3651), one finds:
 +   Sn  4  0.605000  4.610912
 +          0.663544  1.648791 -.141974  -.576546
 +          0.745865  0.769355 -.445070
 +                    0.103931 0.005057
 +          0.944459  0.225115
 +                    0.007066
 +These data must be put in the following format to be read by ABINIT
 +(this file is also found in the ~abinit/tests/Psps_for_tests directory,
 +with the name 50sn.psphgh) :
 +    Hartwigsen-Goedecker-Hutter psp for Tin,  from PRB58, 3641 (1998) paper
 +    50  4   980509                     zatom,zion,pspdat
 +    3        0    2001    0        pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well
 +    0.605000  4.610912 0                  rloc, c1, c2, c3, c4
 +    0.663544  1.648791 -.141974  -.576546     rs, h11s, h22s, h33s
 +    0.745865  0.769355 -.445070  0            rp, h11p, h22p, h33p
 +              0.103931 0.005057  0                k11p, k22p, k33p
 +    0.944459  0.225115 0                    rd, h11d, h23d, h33d
 +              0.007066 0                        k11d, k22d, k33d
 +First, the following three lines have been added at the beginning
 +of the data from the table :
 +     Hartwigsen-Goedecker-Hutter psp for Tin,  from PRB58, 3641 (1998) paper
 +     50  4   980509                     zatom,zion,pspdat
 +            0    2001    0        pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well
 +Similar lines must be added to the data for other elements, in order
 +to make them readable by ABINIT.
 +Line 1 is simply a header, that might include any information, and that will
 +be printed without modification in the output of ABINIT.
 +Line 2 describes:
 +    - the atomic number (zatom);
 +    - the ionic charge (zion, number of valence electrons);
 +    - the date of pseudopotential generation.
 +The two first information are crucial, the third one is not
 +really important. The atomic number is 1 for Hydrogen, 8 for Oxygen, and so on.
 +The ionic charge should be the same number as the second number mentioned
 +in the data table (described as 'Zion' in section VI of the paper)
 +Line 3 describes:
 +    - the format of the pseudopotential (pspcod ; must be 3 for this format);
 +    - the XC functional used to generate the pseudopotential (pspxc ; here, must be 1)
 +    - the maximal angular momentum of the wavefunctions described
 +      in the pseudopotential file
 +         lmax=0 if purely local pseudopotential: H, He, Li^sc, Be^sc ;
 +         lmax=1 for s and p projectors : Li, B ... Ar, K^sc, Au ;
 +         lmax=2 for s, p and d projectors : K, Ca, ... Cs, Ba, Hf^sc ... Pt^sc, Au^sc ... Rn ;
 +         lmax=3 for s, p, d and f projectors : Cs^sc, Ba^sc, La^sc ... Lu^sc 
 +    - lloc has no meaning, and is set to 0
 +    - mmax has no meaning, and is set to 2001
 +    - the last number can be set to 0 .
 +The lines that follow these three lines
 +are generated from the data in the table, though the name of the
 +element and Zion are not reproduced. Note also that
 +each line has to be completed with zeroes, to give the format presented
 +at the beginning of the section VI of the HGH paper :
 +five columns for the first of these lines,
 +then 4 columns for each projector, and 3 columns for the spin-orbit splitting.
 +For readability, the meaning of each number has also been added
 +in our example pseudopotential file
 +(for example, 'rloc, c1, c2, c3, c4' ) but these are NOT read by ABINIT.
 +Thus, unlike the zeroes, it is not important to add them to the
 +data from the table.
 +Inside ABINIT, the pseudopotential with format 1 will be treated by
 +the routine psp2in.f, that calls psp2lo.f (local part) and psp2nl.f (non-local part).
 +As a matter of numerical accuracy, note that the integral
 +of (V(r)+Zion/r) r^2 in psp2lo.f is performed analytically without cut-off.
developers/pseudos/psp3_format.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/10 20:06 by Xavier Gonze