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June 2018 beautification

Organisation of the ABINIT June 2018 beautification, Monday 4 June - Wednesday 14 June 2018.

In practice : branching/merging

I expect your contributions to be in a branch named “user_name”/beauty. So, please start from your develop branch (v8.9.3 of ABINIT), branch your own “beauty” branch, upgrade it to the latest trunk/develop, work in it, then issue a merge request (using Gitlab) from “user_name”/beauty to trunk/develop.

Explicitly, issue

  1. git checkout develop
  2. git branch beauty
  3. git checkout beauty
  4. git merge remotes/trunk/develop (or your method to sync with the trunk)

then beautify the code, then issue the proper merge request to trunk/develop, then mention in the task list that you have done the job !

What should be done ?

This beautification will be focused on the documentation. Indeed, as a response to the recommendations made at the last developer workshop, in Frejus May 2017, “topics” have been introduced and lead to completion, a centralized bibliography database has been set up, and a new global infrastructure based on mkdocs (and markdown) has been established. However:

  • A. it is likely that there are still isolated bibliographical references in the descriptions of input variables or lessons of the tutorial (or other files), to be ported inside the bibliography database, see
  • B. Equations might still be in “text” style, while they should be now in “LaTex” style (interpreted using MathJax, see
  • C. specific improvements of lessons of the tutorials and other files could be made, thanks to the new mkdocs infrastructure.
  • D. it remains to be checked that no inadvertent deterioration of the documentation has occurred.
  • E. one might also check the correctness of links and other information (like the coherence between the sections of output files pasted in the text, and the output files themselves, available from the links)

As an indication, each contributor might have to dedicate about three hours to this work (including, if not yet done, reading the mkdocs documentation and possibly training a bit with the mksite script). By the way, suggestions for improvements of the mkdocs infrastructure is also welcome, see the dedicated page.

When an isolated bibliographical reference is found

Check first whether it exists already in the bibliographical database (file doc/abiref.bib), and if so, simply refer to it using a “cite” wikilink. Otherwise, introduce the adequate bibtex information, following

I have not yet familiarized myself with abimkdocs / markdown

All the needed documentation is available at :

Going through it for the first time might be 15-20 minutes. Training might be another 15 minutes (e.g. starting the server with ./ serve –dirtyreload, then trying to make some fake modifications).

beauty/2018.1527953516.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/02 17:31 by Xavier Gonze