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List of volunteers and assignments

Name Agree Volunteering for some Tasks ? Assigned tutorials Assigned input varset Assigned theory doc
(Y=YES) Indicate which ones among the 66 tasks =doc/tutorial/*.md varset within abimkdocs/ or abimkdocs/variables_*.py file =doc/theory/*.md
Bernard Amadon Y cRPA, DMFT, DFT+U dftu, dmft, ucalc_crpa varset dmft
Gabriel Antonius Y varset eph
Lucas Baguet Y (not just a review: also new sections) nlo varset files
Jordan Bieder Y New tuto on TDEP tdep, base_par, paral_gspw, paral_gswvl
Eric Bousquet Y Tutos; DFPT rf1, rf2 noncollinear
Fabien Bruneval Y Tutos: GW gw1, gw2
Wei Chen Y varset gw (big!)
Michel Côté Y base3, base4, analysis_tools
Gregory Geneste Y paral_moldyn, paral_images
Matteo Giantomassi Y Gravity bse varset bse bse
Xavier Gonze Y index, tddft, udet varset geo
François Jollet Y paral_dfpt varset paw spherical_harmonics
Aurelien Lherbier Y varset gstate (big!)
Francesco Naccarato Y varset ffield, varset dfpt
Guido Petretto Y varset anaddb (big!)
Nicholas Pike Y base1, base2
Samuel Poncé Y Tuto ElPhon ZPR (+ related stuff) tdepes, wannier90 varset w90
Yann Pouillon Y varset vdw
Marc Torrent Y PAW, positron paw1, paw2, paw3, positron
Michiel van Setten Y Gravity paral_mbt pseudopotentials, mbt
Benoit Van Troeye Y fold2bloch, elastic
Matthieu Verstraete Y eph, source_code (to be updated ?!), spin
Joe Zwanziger Y,,, ffield, nuc, optic

Yes, but kept in reserve (for different reasons)

Name Agree Volunteering for some Tasks ?
(indicate Y) Indicate which ones among the 66 tasks
Serguei Prokhorenko
Fabio Ricci
beauty/2018/taskvolunteers.1527949660.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/02 16:27 by Xavier Gonze