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What are "beautifications"?

Beautifications are short coordinated sessions of global refactoring of the source code and structure of Abinit. They are usually distributed operations - all volunteers working from their own places - and last around one week. The coordination of efforts takes place through wiki pages, focused email Q&A, as well as through the Abinit forums. There is at least one beautification every two years.


Forthcoming one : the date is not yet fixed …
Tentative list of tasks:

  • Move all in-text references contained in the yml documentation to the ~abinit/doc/origin_files/abiref.bib file, and establish the appropriate links using the [[developers:link_shortcuts|Shortcuts]], e.g. [[Amadon2008]]
  • Use shortcuts instead of explicit URL links to …generated_files/*html files or their sections

Here is a list of the latest beautifications, in reverse chronological order:

beauty/sessions.1502172837.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/08 08:13 by Xavier Gonze