ABINIT Environment
The development of ABINIT takes place in a global environment, made of several languages or tools:
- F95 for writing most of the sources
- Python for writing most of the scripts
- Autotools for building system
- Git for the Version management
- ROBODOC for processing the sources
- …
In the present directory, one has gathered the generic documentation about this environment.
This documentation might include the following :
- Brief introduction, giving the context
- External links, to language reference, tool repository (downloads), tutorials …
- Internal links, to documents written by ABINIT developers (such document being rather general)
- Particulars : in the context of ABINIT, such document describe specific characteristics related to the use of such languages/tools
- Also, some tutorials for developers will address the use of such languages/tools differently.
developers/abinit_environment.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/31 20:40 by Jean-Michel Beuken