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Forum moderators

See the page for the list of moderators of the ABINIT Forum.

The “front” moderators :

  1. Are registered to receive the posts from the corresponding section of the forum
  2. Do not answer immediately, let possible other Forum users answer.
  3. However, if no answer after 3 days, either give an answer, or relay to somebody knowledgeable who will accept to answer (the senior moderator might be consulted)
  4. This is a one-year mandate

The “senior moderators”:

  1. Are registered to receive the posts from the corresponding section of the forum
  2. Are backup of the “front moderators”, act after 7 days if there has been no action of the front moderator
  3. Provide guidance about the ABINIT developer community to the front moderator (whom to contact ?)
  4. Make sure that the “front moderator” is indeed active
  5. Every year, examine the renewal of the “active moderator”, or its possible replacement
developers/forum_moderators.1625902336.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/10 09:32 by Xavier Gonze